re:Creation week #5. Improved level format and saving system.

Previous weeks:


Last week I’ve posted this screenshot of re:Creation to /r/IndieGaming to know what people think about new graphics. I expected 2 or 3 people tell me something like: “it’s good, keep working” or “that’s bad, keep working”. The thread got lots of upvotes and comments and there was lots of constructive critique which I didn’t expect. Some people said the game looks really great. This was really awesome and now I know in which direction art style should be moving.

And here’s what I’ve been doing this week.

Improved level format.

I talk a lot about Lua and how it helps me during development process, but I haven’t talked about how level system works. I use plain text for levels because loading from it is faster than getting values from scripts. There’s a lot information stored in file: tileset it uses, tile information ,information about objects on the level and some other things.
I’ve been storing objects like this:

... // etc

This is was enough information, because I can create every object with just one line of code.

EntityManager::createEntity("old_man", 40, 40);

But I realized that I needed to store direction information for some entities so they can look in the direction I want when the level loads. I then started to store it like this:


Some entities needed tags, so I can quickly access particular entity by the tag. I started to store ovjects like this:


But some entities don’t have tags or direction, so there’s no need to store information about that. That format was also not very human readable. I had to memorize the order of information stored in string.

So I’ve decided I can do better. Now the object information is stored like this:


A lot better! It’s now human readable and easier to parse and get information from it.
Parsing works like this:

  1. get line from file
  2. separate by ‘,’ and store each token in string array
  3. for each token, separate by ‘=’ and then if the first token is “name”, assign entity name to be the second token, else if the first token is “x” then … you get the idea.

Saving system

This is where the things got a lot harder!

You see, it’s easy to save the game if the player can’t return to previous levels. You just save a current level info, some player stats and that’s all.
I’m developing the  open-world game, so I have to save lots of information like NPCs player has talked with, quest status or chests which player opened. And I can’t modify scripts or level files.
What if the player completes one level and decides to save on the next level? How can the game get entity information from the previous level?

One solution is to save the game each time a player enters another level. But this is not a very good solution, because the player might want to play the level from the point he saved the game himself.

Here’s my solution (if someone has better solution, please, tell about it in comments or e-mail me:
First of all, I assign tags to important entities like chests, doors, triggers and npcs. Imagine that level1 has CHEST_HAMMER and level2 has CHEST_SWORD
I have a global world struct which has different std::maps (in case you don’t know: std::map is like a dictionary, you can access different values by the key, which is a std::string in this case)

std::map<std::string, ChestInfo> chests;

When you open a chest, this std::map is modified. When I save the information, I use Lua.
I create a Lua table using LuaBridge. It has this structure:

saveTable = {
    fileName = "level1",
    chests = {
            tag = "CHEST_HAMMER",
            isOpened = true
            tag = "CHEST_SWORD",
            isOpened = false
    ... -- etc

When the game loads a save file, chests std::map is filled with information about objects no matter if they’re on the level player has saved previously or not. If the player enters a next level, the game adds new values to the std::map using tags each “special” object has. If the entity tag starts with “CHEST_“, new value is added to chests std::map, etc.
Imagine that player has completed level1, opened CHEST_HAMMER, went to level2 and saved there. The chests table in script will have two values: CHEST_HAMMER and CHEST_SWORD
When the player loads the game again, information about chests and other entities loads from the save file. The chests map is filled with information about each chest on each level player had visited.
The game doesn’t have to load level1 to know that CHEST_HAMMER exists and it has been opened. The game knows it from the save file! Player can save on level2 again and the game saves info about level1 entities too , because it has it from previously loaded save file.

It may sound easy now, but it almost took a week for me to figure out and implement. I hope someone finds it useful.

Multi-line dialogues

Well, this was easy to implement, but the game looks even more complete now.

That’s all for this week. Thanks for reading! Follow me on twitter for new updates. @EliasDaler

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