Using Lua with C++. Using Lua scripts with C++ classes.

Read the first part about LuaBridge here to see how to install it and use it for basic things.

You can find the complete source code of this article here

This part will show you how to register C++ classes in Lua, call member functions and how to apply scripts to something practical like putting object behaviour code in scripts.
I’m a game developer, so I’ve used examples related to gamedev but you can use Lua almost everywhere, so take a look even if you’re not interested in gamedev.
The code used in this article is as simple as possible while also remaining a complete example which you can run and compile.
I leave out the details which are irrelevant to focus on the main topic: scripts.

The first approach

Suppose you want to make NPCs which react differently to the player interacting with them.
First of all, we have a Guard which just says “Hello” and a witch, who heals the player if his health is low.

Let’s go with a naive implementation.

Here’s the Player class:

// Player.h
#pragma once

#include <string>

class Player {

    int getHp() const { return hp; }
    void setHp(int hp);

    int getMaxHp() const { return maxHp; }
    void setMaxHp(int maxHp) { this->maxHp = maxHp; }
    int hp;
    int maxHp;

// Player.cpp
#include "Player.h"
#include <iostream>

Player::Player() {
    maxHp = 10;
    hp = maxHp;

void Player::setHp(int hp) {
    this->hp = hp;
    std::cout << "> Player: " << hp << " HP" << std::endl;

Character base class:

// Character.h
#pragma once

#include <string>
#include "Player.h"

class Character {
    virtual ~Character() = default;
    virtual void interact(Player& player) = 0;

    std::string getName() const { return name; }
    void setName(const std::string& name) { this->name = name; }
    std::string name;

interact if a function which gets called each time player interacts with characters, for example, talks with them.

Let’s derive Guard and Witch classes from the Character class.

Guard class:

// Guard.h
#include "Character.h"

class Guard : public Character {
    void interact(Player& player) override;

// Guard.cpp
#include "Guard.h"
#include <iostream>

void Guard::interact(Player& player) {
    std::cout << name << ": Hello! Be safe!" << std::endl;

Witch class:

// Witch.h
#pragma once
#include "Character.h"

class Witch : public Character {
    void interact(Player& player) override;

// Witch.cpp
#include "Witch.h"
#include <iostream>

void Witch::interact(Player& player) {
    if (player->getHp() == player.getMaxHp()) {
        std::cout << name << ": Hi! Come back when you're wounded." << std::endl;
    } else {
        std::cout << name << ": Hi! Let me heal you." << std::endl;

And now we can use all these classes:

// main.cpp
#include <iostream> 

#include "Guard.h"
#include "Player.h"
#include "Witch.h"

int main() {
    Player player;
    Witch witch;
    Guard guard;

    std::cout << "|Player walks around the town and talks with some npcs" << std::endl;

    std::cout << "|Player goes on a great adventure!" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "|but gets beaten up by some foes..." << std::endl;
    player.setHp(player.getHp() - 5);
    std::cout << "|Back to the town... Let's talk to the witch" << std::endl;

You can find the code here.

Here’s the output:

 |Player walks around the town and talks with some npcs
 Lucina: Hi! Come back when you're wounded.
 Sam: Hello! Be safe!
 |Player goes on a great adventure!
 |but gets beaten up by some foes...
 > Player: 5 HP
 | Back to the town... Let's talk to the witch
 Lucina: Hi! Let me heal you.
 > Player: 10 HP

Cool, let’s now analyze how scripts can make this whole thing better.

Let’s look closer at Guard and Witch classes.
The only thing different about them is an interact function.
This will be the only difference between classes for the most friendly NPCs. Do we really need to make a new class for this?

We can use the Strategy pattern. But still, we have to create a new class for each new behaviour. And it’s all in the code. This is not very good especially if you’re working with someone who doesn’t know how to program. If another dev wants to change some NPC’s behaviour or add a new type of NPC, he has to ask the programmer to do it. This is not very productive.

And even if you’re a programmer, there are still nice things which scripting will give to you. One of the most important: you don’t have to recompile the code when you change something in scripts. You can even change object behaviour during runtime, reload the its script and continue playing the game. Isn’t it awesome?

Let’s get to the scripting!


First of all, let’s get rid of Witch and Guard classes. We won’t need them anymore.
Let’s start by modifying Character class.

// Character.h
#pragma once

#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <LuaBridge.h>

class Player;
class Character {
    void loadScript(luabridge::lua_State* L, const std::string& scriptFilename,
        const std::string& tableName);
    virtual ~Character() = default;
    void say(const std::string& text);
    std::string getName() const { return name; }
    void setName(const std::string& name) { this->name = name; }
    void interact(Player& player);
    std::string name;
    std::unique_ptr<luabridge::LuaRef> interactFunc;

What has changed? First of all, we have a LuaRef pointer named interactFunc which we’ll use to call a Lua interact function. It’s a pointer because LuaRef doesn’t have a default constructor so you have to allocate memory for interactFunc once you get if from the script.
I’ll assume that each NPC will have its own Lua table to make things as simple as possible.

What if you want to create multiple objects that use the same interact function? Loading the interactFunc over and over seems inefficient.
You can handle it this way: create some “template” characters from which you will copy the interact function. Use shared_ptr for interactFunc for reference counting to see how many objects use the particular interact function.
We also have loadScript function which will load character’s name and an interact function from the script.

Now let’s see how Character‘s methods are defined

Character::Character() : interactFunc(nullptr)
{ }

void Character::loadScript(luabridge::lua_State* L, const std::string& scriptFilename, const std::string& tableName) {
    using namespace luabridge;
    if (luaL_dofile(L, scriptFilename.c_str()) == 0) { // script has opened
        LuaRef table = getGlobal(L, tableName.c_str());
        if (table.isTable()) {
            if (table["name"].isString()) {
                name = table["name"].cast<std::string>();
            } else {
                name = "Null";

            if (table["interact"].isFunction()) {
                interactFunc = std::make_unique<LuaRef>(table["interact"]);
    } else {
        std::cout << "Error, can't open script!" << std::endl;

It’s pretty self-explanatory if you’ve read the previous part of my tutorial.
Notice all the error checking. Make sure you do it all the time when you handle scripts. It’ll save you someday.

The Character table will look like this in a Lua script:

some_Character = {
    name = "some name"
    interact = function(player)
        -- put interaction code there

Here’s another function. Pretty simple:

void Character::say(const std::string& text) {
    std::cout << name << ": " << text << std::endl;

And interact function looks like this.

void Character::interact(Player& player) {
    if (interactFunc) {
        try {
            (*interactFunc)(this, player);
        catch (luabridge::LuaException const& e) {
            std::cout << "LuaException: " << e.what() << std::endl;

We just call Lua interact function using pointers to Character and Player. There’s exception handling. You can make some mistakes in interact function but that wouldn’t crash your program and you’ll see where you made this mistakes. Very useful.

Here’s how Player class looks now:

// Player.h
#pragma once

#include <string>
#include "Character.h"

class Player : public Character {

    int getHp() const { return hp; }
    void setHp(int hp);

    int getMaxHp() const { return maxHp; }
    void setMaxHp(int maxHp) { this->maxHp = maxHp; }
    int hp;
    int maxHp;

// Player.cpp
#include "Player.h"
#include <iostream>

Player::Player() :
    hp = maxHp;

void Player::setHp(int hp) {
    this->hp = hp;
    std::cout << "> Player: " << hp << " HP" << std::endl;

Not much have changed. But notice that Player class is now derived from Character class. We’ll see how we can register derived classes in a moment.

We can now register C++ classes using LuaBridge so Lua can handle them.

Here’s how it’s done.

lua_State* L = luaL_newstate();
            .addProperty("name", &Character::getName, &Character::setName)
            .addFunction("say", &Character::say)
        .deriveClass<player, character="">("Player")
            .addProperty("hp", &Player::getHp, &Player::setHp)
            .addProperty("maxHp", &Player::getMaxHp, &Player::setMaxHp)

Let’s go line by line:


You start registering class with this. Notice that class name in Lua may be different in C++. It’s convenient for them to be the same though.


Here’s how you add constructor. You have to specify its arguments using function pointer syntax. You can’t have overloaded constructors.

addProperty("name", &Character::getName, &Character::setName)

Lua can handle some member variables as properties. So you can write something like this in Lua:

characterName = = "Some guy"

Getters and setters will be called for each operation with a property.
If you want the property to be read only, just pass a getter to addProperty method without a setter.

Adding functions is simple too:

addFunction("say", &Character::say)

And we end class registration with this function.


We can register derived classes like this:

deriveClass<Player, Character>("Player")

Virtual methods work normally. No special syntax needed.
Here are some notes from LuaBridge manual:

The `deriveClass` takes two template arguments: the class to be registered, and its base class. Inherited methods do not have to be re-declared and will function normally in Lua. If a class has a base class that is not registered with Lua, there is no need to declare it as a subclass.

Here are some more important things to know:

  • LuaBridge does not support overloaded functions
  • Const methods are detected automatically. Const-correctness is enforced
  • Destructor is registered automatically

It’s also important to know how objects are passed to Lua and which lifetime (C++ or Lua) they have. I’ll cover this in next article.

And now let’s write some scripts!

-- witch.lua
witch = {
    interact=function(witch, player)
        if(player.hp == player.maxHp) then
            witch:say("Hi! Come back when you're wounded.")
            player.hp = player.maxHp
            witch:say("Hi! Let me heal you.")
-- guard.lua
guard = {
    interact=function(guard, player)
        guard:say("Hello! Be safe!")

Not too much to explain here. Notice that you call member functions with ‘:‘ like this:


And now the remaining part of main.cpp

Player player;
Character witch;
witch.loadScript(L, "witch.lua", "witch");
Character guard;
guard.loadScript(L, "guard.lua", "guard");

std::cout << "|Player walks around the town and talks with some npcs" << std::endl;

std::cout << "|Player goes on a great adventure!" << std::endl;
std::cout << "|but gets beaten up by some foes..." << std::endl;
player.setHp(player.getHp() - 5);
std::cout << "|Back to the town... Let's talk to the witch" << std::endl;

The output is the same as for previous C++ only version.

You can find the code here.

And there you have it. I hope you’ve seen how useful Lua scripts can be.

What’s next?

But things don’t end here! Explore and try Lua yourself. Maybe you’ll find some more cool things!

In the next chapter I’ll cover object creation and their lifetime.
I also plan to write a chapter which will show how I use scripts in my game (I’ve written a lot about that in my dev logs, but I need to organize it a bit). I don’t have classes which I have to register because I use Entity/Component/System model so things are a bit different there.
See ya next time!

If you’ve noticed mistakes or just want to provide some feedback, feel free to send me an e-mail:

Follow me on twitter! 

20 thoughts on “Using Lua with C++. Using Lua scripts with C++ classes.

  1. Yeah ! Another awesome tutorial ! :)
    Thanks a lot ! I’ll try to adapt this for the Entity Component System i use, i hope i’ll succeed !

  2. When are you going to write the next part? I found these tutorials and they are fantastic(best ones I’ve found) but I really need to know about object creation and their lifetime! Thanks.

  3. Hey Elias, me again, sorry for bombarding you with questions, but I am trying to use the technique you used here with the interaction function but I’m trying to implement the collide function we previously discussed. From what I can tell this should work well, and the bounding box in the example gives me no trouble, however when I call my collide function I get an access violation runtime error (Meaning I am reading memory I shouldn’t be). Anyway here is my code:

    anything not shown here is exactly the same as your code. Except for maybe some names. Let me know if you need anything else.

  4. i have got question. let’s say we programing RTS (…strategy) and we need difference interaction for player, ghost, guard, and even not character ( for example chest ) how to write that code? use field name?

  5. there shouldn’t be “delete interactFunc;” in the Character destructor. It’s a shared_ptr so it cleans itself up automatically. You shouldn’t give Character a destructor at all, the default compiler-generated one is fine.

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